The Challenge
Exposed equipment combined with extreme environmental conditions made regular repairs and replacement necessary for the ISO-Reliability Partners steel melt shop team. Historically each cylinder must be removed, rotated with a spare, and sent out for reconditioning every seven days of operation. The entire cylinder is then replaced each month. This work is time consuming, labor intensive and requires heavy lifting equipment with increased risk of injury for artisans.
The Solution
To extend the life of the equipment, and keep repair costs down, ISO-Reliability Partners used custom fitted Seal Saver coated silica cloth protective boots and tested the results.
The Results
Summary: Seal Saver custom protective boot have dramatically extended cylinder life, improved worker safety and lowered the cost of operation. The results far exceeded expectations and have proven Seal Saver to be an invaluable and essential, preventative maintenance tool.
The Seal Saver boot covered cylinder was exposed to a continuous operating environment of 840°C (1544°F). For brief moments when the tap flap opens, maximum readings of 3200°C (5792°F) were noted.
The Seal Saver was removed after 4 weeks in operation and the condition was still relatively good. Most importantly the cylinder was in good condition and did not need to be reconditioned, representing a minimum 4x life extension. A new custom Seal Saver protective boot was fitted onto the same cylinder and put back into service.
After a further 8 weeks continuous service the second "new" protective boot was splashed with molten steel at a temperature of 1660°C (3020°F). The Seal Saver did not survive. The event caused minor damage to the cylinder rod which needed to be sent out for polishing. The original Seal Saver was put back into operation on the reconditioned cylinder and has been in service for the past 5 weeks.